Thought of the day 123
Don't compare yourself to others ever. That's a battle you can never win. A flower does not think of competing itself to the one next to it. It just blooms in its own way. Comparison is the thief of joy. You might be at the start of doing something great or becoming a great human being. Don't let other person's progress discourage you. You sure won't enjoy yourself in the name of success even when you win. Because that's like you just won a jealousy reward to yourself. I don't call that a success at all. Just be confident in whatever you do and you bloom from within automatically. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't. Just be yourself. It's only when you accept your true self with all your positives and negatives, with all that you have and you are, that you truly succeed in life. Have a Sizzling Saturday.
Writer & Rapper.