Ideal Morning Routine For Effective Weight Loss

The 20 Min Morning Routine For Weight Loss Success Maintain a gratitude journal to write about everything that makes you feel positive in the morning. Stretch your muscles; this will remove stiffness and stress. Drink a glass of warm lemon water, to fire up your metabolism. Awaken the lymphatic system and detox with body brushing before a shower. Eat healthy wholesome breakfast to stay charged through the day. It is a mistake to think that losing or gaining weight comes down to just calories. Many studies demonstrate that multiple factors beyond what we eat affect our weight. So the best way to assure a proper weight is to create balance on many different levels. And since the morning sets the tone for the entire day, a healthy morning routine will increase your odds of weight loss success. And before your write off what I’m saying as “hippie talk”, understand one thing. How much fat we store as well as how hungry we feel is determined by the hormones leptin and insulin. In order fo...